Looking for a social chat for website and never heard about shoutbox? You will today!
Shoutbox is a small widget that you can place on your website (usually in the side area) It is used to communicate with other people because it works and looks like a chat where all people can have simultaneous discussion. What is so cool about it? Well, many things - let's discuss them now!
Shoutbox - social chat for website features:
- You can customize it's size
- You can change colors manually or choose ready-made template
- You have full control over the chat as an admin- you can manage, ban and accept users
- Avatars can be used
- The chat handles up to 2000 online users
- ...and many, many more options!
Another cool thing is that there are usually free versions that you can try. So go ahead and create your own shoutbox now!
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